According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as of September 2023, more than 26,000 people in Ukraine are considered missing persons under special circumstances.

Deputy Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Leonid Tymchenko, revealed this during a telethon broadcast.

Among them, 15,000 are military personnel, and 11,000 are civilians. Data on all missing persons have been entered into a special registry coordinated by the Main Intelligence Directorate.

Extracts from the registry have been provided to nearly 9,000 families.

On May 5, 2023, the then Commissioner for Missing Persons under Special Circumstances, Oleg Kotenko, stated that the Ukrainian government was searching for more than 7,000 people, of whom 15% were civilians.

As of the end of May 2023, Ukraine was aware of approximately 24,000 Ukrainian citizens who went missing during Russia’s armed aggression, as reported by the ombudsman, Lubinets.

Photo: open sources