This program is designed specifically to work with veterans and war victims.

This was announced by the deputy head of the Kyiv City State Administration, Maryna Honda.

According to her, the training was held thanks to the assistance of the Embassy of Israel in Ukraine and the MASHAV agency.

“Our social psychologists have been trained in Israel, where they are called ‘mental health officers.’ Their method of working with veterans and victims of war has been developed for years, because Israel lives in a state of permanent war. That is why we decided to adopt this experience. The first 15 psychologists have already returned from training and will be able not only to help the victims, but also to teach their colleagues. I am grateful to the Embassy of Israel for their assistance in organizing this training. We hope that together we will be able to continue similar training for our specialists,” Honda said.

Israeli Ambassador Michael Brodsky noted that Israel has supported Ukraine since the first day of the full-scale russian invasion and assured that the support will continue in the future. In particular, in the training of Ukrainian specialists.

“Israel provides assistance to Ukraine in those areas where it has extensive experience. These are medicine, work with people who have experienced trauma, and others. From the first day of the creation of our country, we live in war. And in this, unfortunately, we and Ukraine are similar. We will continue cooperation with the city and the country, and we are ready to help in other areas as well,” Mihael Brodskyi said.

The training program included professional lectures, visits to Stress Resistance Centers in different parts of the country, experience with Zoo-therapy, Hibuki-therapy, work with military personnel, features of rehabilitation of wounded military personnel, methods of working with children and the elderly. In addition, experts visited hospitals, got acquainted with medical and psychological assistance in the first minutes after the shelling of Haifa last year, inspected the place where the point of first aid for the victims was opened.

Photo: Kyiv City State Administration